EVRA Patch: South Africa's Birth Control Patch – Get My Pill

EVRA Patch: South Africa's Birth Control Patch

In South Africa, when it comes to birth control patches, the EVRA brand is the only patch available. If you're thinking about choosing this contraceptive method, our article is here to give you the lowdown on everything you need to know. We'll cover its effectiveness, benefits, and potential side effects of the EVRA Birth Control Patch.


Table of contents:

  1. Effectiveness
  2. How to use
  3. How to place it on your body
  4. Side Effects
  5. Benefits
  6. Where to get the EVRA patch online
  7. Conclusion


Some Quick facts:

Effectiveness of the patch picture
When used as directed by most people, the patch is quite effective:

Perfect use: It is 99.7% effective
Typical use: It is 93% effective
Picture of a person experiencing side effects of the birth control patch
Side Effects
Common side effects include nausea, irregular bleeding, and breast tenderness, but these are usually temporary as your body is adjusting to the patch
Picture demonstrating effort
You'll need to change the patch once a week
Picture with light bulb as a demonstration for the birth control patch on how to get it
Simple to Get
To buy the patch, you'll need a prescription from your doctor or telehealth service
Picture of wallet for a description of the cost of the evra patch
To find out the price of the birth control patch you can visit the link



Is the Birth Control Patch an Effective Prevention Method?

A "prevention patch" is essentially a medical adhesive patch that administers hormones through the skin, designed to prevent pregnancy.

Through the skin, it releases hormones into the bloodstream that work to suppress ovulation, thicken cervical mucus to obstruct sperm movement, and change the uterine lining to make it less receptive to implantation.

If used correctly and consistently, the birth control patch is regarded as an effective method of preventing pregnancy.


How to use the EVRA contraceptive patch

Using the EVRA contraceptive patch is a convenient and effective way to prevent pregnancy and it's essential to understand how to use it correctly to ensure its effectiveness. Here's a guide on how to use this birth control patch:

  • Choose a clean area: Select a clean, dry area on your skin, like your abdomen, buttocks, or upper arm.
  • Apply the patch: Peel off the protective backing and gently press the patch onto your chosen area. Make sure it sticks securely.
  • Stay on schedule: Replace the patch once a week, on the same day and at the same time. You'll do this for three weeks in a row.
  • Patch-free week: After three weeks of using the patch, take a break for one week. During this time, your period will typically occur.
  • Repeat: After your patch-free week, start a new cycle by applying a fresh patch. Continue this pattern to maintain contraception.
  • Be mindful: Avoid using lotion, oils, or creams on the patch area, as it may affect adhesion. Also, keep an eye out for any signs of irritation or discomfort at the patch site.
Evra patch package

For the birth control patch to work effectively, it's essential to use it consistently and correctly. This involves changing the patch on a weekly basis for three consecutive weeks, followed by one week without a patch.

Proper Placement of the Birth Control Patch

You can place the EVRA contraceptive patch on any part of your body as long as the skin is clean and dry. Ideal places are the top of your arm or above your waistline (where your clothes won’t rub against it).

Picture of how to apply the EVRA patch


Avoid the following:

  • Placing it in an area where clothing will frequently rub against it, such as next to a bra strap, the top of your pants, or your skin.
  • Applying the patch to your breasts as well as any sore or irritated skin.
  • An area where you sweat a lot
  • Recently shaved or overly hairy areas
  • Exposing it to heat sources like saunas, hot tubs, heating pads, etc.



Potential Side Effects of the EVRA Patch

It's natural to have concerns about potential negative side effects, but for the majority of women, these concerns don't become a problem. It's important to keep in mind that you're introducing hormones into your body, so it may take a few months for your system to adapt.

  • Skin irritation: Possible redness or irritation at the patch site.
  • Breast tenderness: Temporary breast changes.
  • Headaches: Occasional headaches or migraines.
  • Nausea: Upset stomach, managed with food or alternative methods.
  • Mood changes: Mood swings, irritability, or libido changes.
  • Menstrual changes: Altered bleeding patterns, usually temporary.
  • Skin reactions: Rare allergic reactions, seek medical help.
  • Other potential side effects: Less common symptoms, consult a healthcare provider if concerned.


Benefits of using the birth control patch

Here are some of the advantages of using the patch:

  • Highly effective: Only a 1% typical failure rate when used correctly.
  • Convenience: Requires weekly application, avoiding the need for daily attention like pills.
  • Easy application: Simple, at-home application on clean, dry skin; suitable for all activities.
  • Continuous protection: Provides uninterrupted pregnancy protection throughout the week.
  • Regulated menstrual Cycles: Hormones can regulate periods, and reduce cramping, irregular bleeding, and PMS.
  • Reversible: Effects are reversible; fertility returns within a few months after discontinuation, making it suitable for future conception plans.



How to get the EVRA patch online

If you do not wish to visit a clinic/doctor in person, you can order a prescription for the contraceptive patch at Get My Pill.

1. Choose the Patch: Select this option and complete our brief 2-minute health questionnaire
2. Medical Review: Our licensed healthcare professionals will carefully review your order and issue a prescription if it's safe for you
Picture of the contraceptive patch
3. Convenient Options: With your prescription, you can either get your contraceptive patch at your local pharmacy or through our delivery partner, Clicks Pharmacy, with the added benefit of free delivery



Key takeaway

The birth control patch is a simple, safe, and effective method of hormonal birth control. It only needs to be replaced once a week, which may be easier for some people than a daily option, such as the pill.

There are, however, longer-acting forms of contraception available for those seeking long-term birth control. If you're not sure you can book a telephonic consult with one of our healthcare professionals if you believe the birth control patch or another form of contraception may be right for you.

 Picture of the patch as an icon
Order the evra patch



Frequently Asked Questions 

How effective is the birth control patch?

The effectiveness rate of the birth control patch is approximately 91%, according to statistics on typical use. This means that nine women may become pregnant for every 100 women who use the patch for a year. On the other hand, 99% effectiveness is achievable with perfect use (always applying the patch correctly, changing it when necessary, etc.).


Does the birth control patch offer STI protection?

Since hormonal birth control only works to prevent pregnancy, it is impossible to use it to prevent STIs.

Therefore, you must use a barrier method, such as condoms, during sexual activity to lower the risk of catching a STI or spreading it to others.


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